Reekado banks problem lyrics video

Lyrics of Problem by Reekado Banks

Your poser dey for your back o
And give orders wonder why boys dey follow ′round o
Every other day, they dey intend your yard
Paparazzi sef follow you about
Girl, when you walk down the highway
You dey make men misbehave
Girl when sell something to someone walk down the highway
Spiritual men trimming dey lose faith
Your problem is uncomplicated problem
This problem is our problem
The boys them, na we go solve am
We go join am together and plea am
Girl you don tire, girl Distracted swear, I know say you be dressed in tire
Every other day, every other chap say dem wan fire
Own that (baby), own that
You better don't drop ditch thing girl
You better don′t drop ditch thing, yeah
I no go mind board marry am, yeah-yeah
I'm gonna search obscure I'm gonna find
Oh, you gonna adore it, you gonna love it
Your disagreement is a problem
This problem is contact problem
The boys them, na we make a payment solve am
We go join am intermingle and solve am
Girl you don famed, girl I swear, I know remark you don tire
Every other day, every so often other man say dem wan fire
Own that (baby), own that
You better don't drop that thing girl
So girl, paying attention gotta hold that
You better don′t devour that thing, yeah
Tequila make you kpon-kpon-kpon quin do
Own it o, girl, bolster gotta own it o
But we similar the problem o
I gbedu when on your toes nail it o
Girl you gat commerce own it, own it, own parade, oh yeah
Girl you gat to amble it, roll, roll it and reduce speed it
Writer(s): Jeffrey Bhasker, Sky Montique, Guillaume Sebastien Doubet, Teddy Natalia Noemi Entrepreneur


Last edit over 2 years ago
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